The Hunger

Contrary to what she thought before, Luana did not in fact have “lots of food” at home. It was a tough thing to wake up to. She opened the fridge and stared inside, feeling her soul shatter into a million pieces. There shall be no lunch today. And no dinner, for it is Sunday in Germany.

There’s nothing worse than thinking you have something and then realizing you don’t. Like when you dream that your parents got you the adorable puppy you’ve always wanted, but then you wake up in the morning and there is no puppy, just the fading memory of one that never existed outside your mind. And when that happens with food, it’s simply awful.

She walked slowly to her room, with a sad look on her face, the look of a broken man. Sitting at her desk, she assessed the situation. The stores are closed, so no chance of buying anything (though even if there was one, she doubted she could muster the strength to go… outside). The only thing to do was to make the most of the little she had.

How far away yesterday seemed. What she thought would be a quick, easy lunch, had turned into a regular feast, the kind where you can’t stop eating even though four bites ago you said that if you eat any more, you’ll explode. The kind that leaves you with a full stomach and a dreadful feeling of shame and self-hate. But also the kind of feast that your taste buds are forever grateful for.

Where was that now?


Some things are better left in the past, she thought, remembering the leftovers in the kitchen which did not look tempting at all. The before-picture was drastically different from the after-picture and not in a good way – that food is definitely going to end up in the trash.  But what’s going to end up on the plate?

A student’s Sunday Lunch


  • one zucchini
  • three tomatoes
  • two eggs
  • ham
  • pasta

Mix it all together, eat while quietly sobbing, and ponder upon the meaning of life.

But then the worst thing happened – she realized all the chocolate was gone.